Request Mitigation Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Welcome – Step 1 of 4Contract Name PFI This form is for the sole use of Service Providers to request mitigation for Events which may become failures as a result of denied access or specialist parts being required. By using this form you agree to the Terms of Use. Input Your Contact DetailsYour Contact DetailsRequester Name *FirstLastRequester Email Address *Input Event InformationEvent Reference *Event Description *What areas are affected by the Event? *What impact is the Event having on the normal operation of the affected areas? *What increased risk is there to the health, safety and welfare of patients, visitors and staff? *What impact does the Event have on the environmental services in the affected areas?Priority *RoutineUrgentEmergencyUnavailable and UsedUnavailable and Not UsedRectification Due Date and Time *PreviousRequest MitigationRequest for MitigationMitigation Type *Denied AccessParts / LabourName of Specialist Contractor *Specialist Part and/or Labour Required: *Why can the Event not be rectified within the Rectification Time? *Has a Temporary Repair been implemented? *YesNoA Temporary Repair needs to satisfy the Accessibility Condition, Safety Condition and either the Prescribed Health or Operational Function Condition as well as substantially making good the relevant Service Failure.What is the nature of the Temporary Repair? *Is the Head of Department happy with the Temporary Repair?YesNoWhy is the Happy of Department not happy with the Temporary Repair? *Head of Department Name *FirstLastHead of Department Email Address *Does the Temporary Repair require a derogation of the Availability Conditions? *A Temporary Repair needs to satisfy the Accessibility Condition, Safety Condition and either the Prescribed Health or Operational Function Condition as well as substantially making good the relevant Service Failure.The person denying access is *PresentNot PresentPerson Denying Access Name *FirstLastPerson Denying Access Email Address *Reason for Denying Access *Area is in use by the AuthorityArea is in use by the AuthorityArea is occupied by a PatientCovid-19It would have an adverse affect on Authority operationsFurther information for denying access (optional)Has an access date been agreed? *YesNoWhy has an access date not been agreed? *Agreed Access Date *DateTimeWhat is the proposed Rectification Date? *DateTimeSupporting Images Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. I hereby declare, that all of the information I have provided is complete and correct. *ConfirmedCommentSend to Authority Representative